Monday, September 8, 2008

All Natural

Well, I did it...I am currently in the process of switching over to homemade cleaning products.. Those of you that know me are probably saying..."WHAT...NO WAY!!" Not really something I would do, but I have been researching the benefits and, as long as the end result is as good as before, I am all for it. We would benefit cost wise and safety wise, so it seems like a win win situation here! So the things I purchased this weekend were:
  • Fels Naptha (1.29)
  • Borax (3.29)
  • Vinegar (2.19 for a huge bottle!)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (.50 for a regular bottle)
  • Lemon Juice (1.00)
So here are the things I have done so far with it:
  • Washed whites with one cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle. ( I don't know if I did this right, it did not really notice a difference?) I will have to go back and make sure I did it right.
  • Put vinegar in my rinse aid for my dish washer. Worked like a charm! No spots!
  • Put Borax in a load of warm water clothes. Seemed to make them somehow fresher? But, Borax is a laundry booster, so I think it worked!
  • Mixed half vinegar, half water for an "antibacterial spray".
I am going to make my own bleach alternative for clothes and laundry detergent. I will post and picture when I do about the process. I have been reading and all of these cleaning products (store bought) are so harmful to your children and the environment. It is so easy to research. Click here for all the uses of vinegar (you'll be surprised!)
Also, my husband has a shirt with grease stains all over it...Happens to be a nice shirt that would be nice for church, dinner, etc. so, I am not willing to give up on it yet. So, I rubbed Fels Naptha, just the actual bar on each of the stains and it worked!!! This shirt has been stained for a long time!!! It is really amazing!!!!

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