This is a post for Works For Me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer. Today's theme is kitchen organization. I have to say, I probably lack in this department, so I will be reading everyone else's tips!
The best tip I use that I have to offer is this. I have quite a large pantry with a lot of shelves. My organization tip I use in my pantry is to put the stuff I want the kids, (I have a 2 and 4 year old), to eat low, so they can grab things themselves. I place granola bars, cereal, raisins, cereal bars, fruit snacks, etc. down low. They tell me they are hungry and they can go in and grab a snack. The things I moderate, I put up high; i.e. chips, snack cakes, and messy things I do not want them to get into. This frees up a lot of the "Mom, can you help me's?" throughout the day. I also like knowing they are making food choices themselves at such a young age!
That's a great idea! I keep reusable water bottles (with fold down straws) in the fridge for my kids to drink water whenever they'd like too. Because there reached a point if I heard Mom can I have a drink of water one more time... well lets say the days ended with lots and lots of bon bons. LOL! Blessings, Whitney
Great idea. I just wanted to tell you that I loved your beautiful & festive blog.
Great way to help them make good choices and to save your sanity.
I used to put plateware, silverware and cereal on their level too. And small bottles of milk on lower fridge shelves. They "made" breakfast for themselves on Saturday mornings and ate it front of the TV for their one hour of shows. Gave the hubs and I a little more time to sleep in.
I am not great on kitchen order either, but I am like you. I have a drawer where I keep healthy snacks for my boys. Now I am trying to do a better job at loading that drawer with little baggies I make myself so I know they are getting the portions they need too.
Thanks for visiting our page and leaving comments! We love comments! I will definitely use your suggestions too! Thanks queen of the click for the kind words! I will be checking out your blogs!
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