Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pays to be Nice

So, I am going to start a series about "being nice". Yes, I know it sounds trivial and simple, but it is...all too often we get caught up in the wear and tear of the world and forget about actually just "being nice". I received an article in "Real Simple" "48 Ways to Be Nice and Improve the World Around You" and it explains ways to be nice. I read over a few and, can honestly say, was surprised at how little I do in the being nice department. It is easy to "be nice" when someone asks a favor, but to go out of your way and actually "be nice" unexpectedly? Wow, that seems unheard of these days! So, here is tip #1:
  • If you come across a magazine or newspaper article that reminds you of someone or makes you think of them, cut it out, print it out, etc. whatever you have to do...and send it with a little note that says "though you might enjoy this", or something along that line...shorter than a letter, but easier! What a simple way to tell someone you were thinking of them and that you pay attention to know what they are interested in!
Now, I would love it if you would comment on things you do (or would like to do=))to make the world just a little friendlier!!!

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